About Ashley Hall: South Carolina’s One and Only All Girls’ School-十大网赌平台推荐

Our Mission

From its founding by Mary Vardrine McBee in 1909, 阿什利霍尔一直忠实于它最初的使命:培养独立的受过教育的女性, ethically responsible, and prepared to meet the challenges of society with confidence. This mission is realized in everything we do, 从校园传统到十大网赌平台推荐创新的课程和教学理念. 它激励教师和学生参与一个充满活力的丰富的教育社区. From boys 2 years to 5 years and girls 2 years to twelfth grade, our curricula, instructional methods, co-curricular programs, and facilities are designed to foster in all of our students, at every stage of their development, 这些品质的思想和性格隐含在十大网赌平台推荐的使命宣言中.

Ashley Hall Hallmarks

There are seven Hallmarks that personify an Ashley Hall student, 他们努力在自己身上和彼此身上培养思想和行动的习惯 namely, to be intelligent, creative, compassionate, discerning, collaborative, purposeful, and worldly.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

十大网赌平台推荐庆祝十大网赌平台推荐的社区建立在每个学生的优势和才能之上, teacher, parent, alumna, and staff member, 阿什利霍尔社区的每一个人都有独特而宝贵的贡献,可以为十大网赌平台推荐集体追求诚信和学术卓越做出贡献. 十大网赌平台推荐相信,十大网赌平台推荐的差异有助于建立一个更有目的的校园话语,尊重并包括许多观点,真正的归属感取决于建立一种代理文化, trust, and respect. Furthermore, 十大网赌平台推荐认为,多样性是包容性和编织到十大网赌平台推荐学校的结构是必不可少的实现教育和学术卓越. Thus, 十大网赌平台推荐努力培养一个重视和体现包容性的社区, equity, respect, belonging, and engagement. Click on the button below to read the full statement.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Statement

An All-Girls' Education


是南卡罗来纳唯一一所女子独立私立学校, Ashley Hall is uniquely positioned. 十大网赌平台推荐的特殊课程是专门为女孩量身定制的——通过合作学习, discussion, and individualized attention.

Considering a school FOR girls instead of a school WITH girls?

  • 你女儿现在的学校鼓励她找到自己的声音吗?
  • 你女儿的学校是否鼓励女孩追求她们的激情,即使是在传统上由男性主导的领域?
  • Do the girls in your daughter’s school hold leadership positions? Are they class president? Are they the editor-in-chief of the yearbook?
  • Do they value girls’ athletic teams as much as the boys teams?

Learn More About the Girls’ School Advantage

Head of School

Ashley Hall Head of School Dr. Anne Weston

Ashley Hall’s current Head of School, Dr. Anne Thornhill Weston ’73 carries on Miss McBee’s dedication to single-gender education 并充分致力于为年轻妇女提供一切可能的机会,使她们获得成为21世纪世界公民所需的技能和知识.

During her years as an Ashley Hall administrator, Dr. 韦斯顿一直倡导重要的课程和健康项目,同时庆祝学生奖学金和大学实习的不断扩大. 现在,作为学院的第六位院长和唯一一位担任该职位的校友. 韦斯顿将她作为一名经验丰富、受人尊敬的教育家的经验带到她的角色中, as well as a love of Ashley Hall, talent as a communicator, and positive leadership as a lifelong advocate for women and girls.

Learn More About Ashley Hall’s Head of School

Board of Trustees

管理这一使命并与学校校长密切合作的是由教育界知名领导人组成的董事会, business, and community service. 董事会致力于确保阿什利霍尔继续蓬勃发展,并行使其顾问和精力,为学校的直接和长期稳定的计划.

Learn More about Ashley Hall’s Board of Trustees

Faculty + Staff

被认为是东南部最令人印象深刻的独立学校之一, 阿什利霍尔的教学人员致力于每一个学生的成功.

Ashley Hall Faculty & Staff List

Class of 2023

The 41 今年毕业班的优秀年轻女性被 97 全美乃至全世界最负盛名的学院和大学之一. The Ashley Hall community is proud of all they have accomplished!

Meet Ashley Hall’s Class of 2023

Ashley Hall Publications

Ashley Hall Spiral Staircase | Charleston, South Carolina

Ashley Hall produces many different publications throughout the year to connect with its community. Please click on the button below to view our past pieces.

Browse Ashley Hall’s Publications


学院的持续稳定在很大程度上源于丰富的传统十大网赌平台推荐的连续性和对过去的尊重,这稳定了十大网赌平台推荐在现在的立场,使十大网赌平台推荐能够满怀信心地规划未来, in the words of our school prayer, “know that which is worth knowing, 爱值得爱的,用真正的判断力去区分不同的事物。.“十大网赌平台推荐对阿什利大厅标志的集体奉献进一步坚定了十大网赌平台推荐的决心, habits of mind and action which all of us at Ashley Hall—students, teachers, staff, parents, and alumnae—strive to cultivate in ourselves: to be intelligent, creative, compassionate, discerning, collaborative, purposeful, and worldly.

Family Partnership

Ashley Hall Parent Partnership | Charleston, South Carolina


阿什利霍尔与学校家庭之间牢固的积极关系对十大网赌平台推荐社区的成功至关重要. 考虑到这一点,十大最好的网赌平台将在2021年推出一项新设计的家庭伙伴关系计划. Click on the button to learn more.

Ashley Hall Family Partnership


Thank you for your interest in employment at Ashley Hall. 点击下面的按钮查看可用的职位和访问申请流程.  

Employment Opportunities at Ashley Hall


Lynsey Barrows | Human Resources Manager | [email protected] | (843) 720-2880

Connect with us

Ashley Hall is a K-12 independent school for girls, with a co-ed preschool, committed to a talented and diverse student population. 十大网赌平台推荐考虑录取任何种族、肤色、宗教、民族或民族出身的学生.